Statement of Truth
Also see:
Be pragmatic not dogmatic (use common sense).
Follow the Style guide.
Adhere to Rubocop (level to be determined).
Test coverage should not drop.
Tests to be written in RSpec for new stories. If the cost of moving existing tests to RSpec is minimal it should be encouraged.
No more new cucumber features. If an existing feature is covered by the story it needs to be moved to RSpec integration test.
Methods should be declared as private in a block rather than individually.
Do not reinvent the wheel. Use Rails features and conventions wherever possible e.g ActiveModel::Model. Only use dynamic programming when absolutely necessary.
Use Factories for ActiveRecord objects and plain ruby objects wherever possible.
All Factories should be valid (i.e. Linted) and grouped sensibly.
Controllers should follow the standard Rails conventions. No business logic.
Add peformance tests.
Use performance enhancements wherever possible e.g. Pluck, eager loading.
Encourage reuse. Separation of concerns.
Remove Dangerous Artifacts.
Travis must pass before a branch is merged except for critical bug fixes.
Any gems added to the Gemfile should be annotated with a comment as to what they do and how they are being used.