Class: Barcode::FormatHandlers::Eagle

BaseRegExBarcode show all
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Added to support ‘Operation Eagle’ plates except the ones already categorised (MK, CM and GLS) as part of project Heron Expected formats: EG?nnnnnn where n is a digit and ? is any uppercase letter

Instance Attribute Summary

Attributes inherited from BaseRegExBarcode


Method Summary

Methods inherited from BaseRegExBarcode

#=~, #barcode_prefix, #child, #code128_barcode, #code128_barcode?, #code39_barcode, #code39_barcode?, #initialize, #number, #suffix, #valid?

Methods included from Ean13Incompatible

#ean13_barcode, #ean13_barcode?

Constructor Details

This class inherits a constructor from Barcode::FormatHandlers::BaseRegExBarcode